Exclusive Services
Whakanui offers a range of services that can be tailored to your specific needs
Developmental Evaluation
We offer developmental evaluation either through Government agencies or through private contracts. Developmental evaluations celebrate the strengths of an organisation and use these as the foundation for developing great services.
Problem solving and provider support
We can work directly with providers to solve and anticipate problems, help them align with EGL principles, get them ready for changes in the new system, and plan for the future. We can also offer help with holistic approaches to strategic planning (involving all stakeholders), and provide assistance and analysis of internal satisfaction surveys.
Training and workshops
We wish to celebrate the skills managers and support workers bring to their workplace. We offer EGL training with a focus on embedding EGL in practice through reflective practice. We also provide training in person centred and person driven planning and support, and training relative to changes in the sector (system transformation).
Consumer led internal monitoring
We offer training and support for groups interested in developing internal monitoring systems within their service or region. This means shifting the focus of how internal evaluation occurs, and what it involves, to the people at the heart of a service or region.
Research and collaborations
Disabled and neurodiverse people and their families, whānau and aiga should be in the drivers seat of any research endeavours involving them. This means involvement in the conception of research projects and leadership on research teams.
"Nothing about us without us".
Whakanui offers skilled researchers and will support disabled and neurodivserse people and their families or whānau to participate in and/or devise research projects.
Individual advocacy
As Systems Transformation develops people on personalised budgets or individualised funding (or private funding) can enlist Whakanui to provide advocacy in a specified and time limited area of need. Talk with us about the possibilities.